"There Is a River We All Must Cross" (1862) Words and Music by Henry Clay Work, 1832-1884 from "The Silver Chime" by George F. Root, page 27 1. There is a river we all must cross, Thousands will pass it tomorrow; Some will go down to its waters with joy, Others with anguish and sorrow. 2. Some will be welcom'd by angel bands, Coming from over the river; Others be borne by the current adown, Where there is none to deliver. 3. These shall land safely in Eden's bow'rs, Wearing the white robes of pardon; Those shall be cast on a desolate shore, Far from the gates of the garden. 4. These shall have voices to join the song Ever from Eden ascending; Those shall unite in the wailings of woe Woe, that hath never an ending. 5. Over the river we all must cross, Jesus may call us tomorrow; Shall we go down to its waters with joy? Shall we with anguish and sorrow?