To Lawrence Shuster Esqr. "The Song of the Farmer" (1854) by Alice Hawthorne [pseud. for Septimus Winner, 1827-1902] Philadelphia: Winner & Shuster, 110 North Eighth St. [Source: 771360@LoC] 1. I have cattle that feed in the valley, And herds that graze on the hill, And I pride in the fruits of my labor, For I'm lord of the land that I till; I have plowed the rough hill and the meadow, 'Till feeble with age and with toil, And I know before long that another, Shall reap the fruits of the soil. 2. For the son that hath toil'd for me ever, And faithfully stood by my side, Hath a hand that shall gather the harvest, When his feeble old father hath died, And the daughter so kind to her mother, Shall share with him all I posess, For I feel that they love me as father, And welcome my tender caress. 3. There's my faithful, my trusting companion; My kindhearted, dear-loving wife, I have toil'd for her comfort with pleasure, For such was the pride of my life, And still in my manhood I love her, For her kind and affectionate care, And all that the earth can afford me, With her I mostly willingly share.