"That Land Where There's No Pain" (1868) Song and Chorus. Words Ben. W. Colder* Music by Joseph Philbrick Webster, 1819-1875 [Source: "The Signet Ring", pages 146-147] *The author of this hymn was a slave. He was liberated by the loyal army in 1864, and at the time he came to the North, did not know the letters of the alphabet. 1. O, for that land where there's no pain, The land where Jesus dwells, Where grief and sorrow ne'er can reign-- Of which the Bible tells. CHORUS O glory, glory, hallelujah, We're bound for the land where Jesus dwells! O, glory, glory, hallelujah, We're bound for the happy land where Jesus dwells. 2. That land where death can never come, Nor wintry storm can be, Where wand'ring pilgrims find a home, Through all eternity. (CHORUS) 3. That land of rest and holy peace, By God, the Father, given, Where prayer and praise shall never cease, While Christ doth reign in Heaven. (CHORUS) 4. When o'er the dark, dim gulf of death The angels carry me, When I shall reach the land of rest, Where hosts of friends shall be. (CHORUS) 5. Then I shall bathe thy soul in peace, And cease from troubling care, And there with loved ones I shall feast On sweet and holy prayer. (CHORUS)