"Keep Your Light Burning" (1868) Words by Sanford Fillmore Bennett, 1836-1898 Music by Joseph Philbrick Webster, 1819-1875 Chicago: Lyon & Healy, 116 Washington St. [Source: p. 32 from "The Signet Ring"] 1. Keep your light burning bright, little ones all, Waiting and watching the dear Savior’s call; Shadows its rays dispel from the sad heart, Leading the erring one out of the dark. 2. Keep your light burning bright, little ones all, Lest in the darkness you stumble and fall; Trusting in Jesus who leadeth the way Up to the mansions of infinite day. 3. Keep your light burning bright, little ones all, For in the path of life dangers befal, Calling on Jesus' adorable name, Kindle in ev’ry heart love’s holy flame.