Prairie Zephyr A collection of original SONGS BY J. P. WEBSTER. [1] Wouldn't You Like to Know [2] Song of the Slave [3] Let Independence Be &c. [4] God Bless Thy Silver Hair [5] A Sunbeam and Shadow [6] Touch Us Gently Time [7] Round Me Hover Dreams &c. "God Bless Thy Silver Hair" (1863) Ballad [Words--anonymous] Music by J[oseph]. P[librick]. Webster [1819-1875] Chicago, IL: H. M. HIGGINS, 117 Randolph St. [Source: am1970@Mills] 1. God bless thy silver hair; Maud, Though ’tis but scanty now, Since time has left its trace, Maud, Upon thy furrow’d brow; Yet it is dear to me, Maud, As when the raven hue, For thou hast ever been, Maud, In word and action true. 2. My trust in in thy love, Maud, Thy life is life to me; As the ivy to the oak, Maud, So do I cling to thee, In moments dark and drear, Maud, Thy counsel I have sought; And many a lesson grave, Maud, Thy earnest words have taught. 3. Through toils and cares the same, Maud, We keep our onward way; And years long fleeted by, Maud, Seems but as yesterday; But age comes creeping up, Maud, Together let us share, United heart to heart, Maud, God bless thy silver hair. 4. God bless thy silvery hair, Maud, Though thou art feeble grown; In peace we climbed the hill, Maud, So let us wander down. Our sorrows and our hopes, Maud, Together let us share, United heart to heart, Maud, God bless thy silver hair.