"Hurry Up the Good Time Coming" [1858] Words by Sydney Dyer Music by J[oseph]. P[hilbrick]. Webster [1819-1875] Chicago, IL: HIGGIN'S BRO.'S [Source: am4916@UW-Madison; missing ending to CHORUS] 1. We’ve waited long for the glorious day, When peace and plenty should crown our land, Till weary quite of the long delay, We’ll join and give it a helping hand. [Verses 2-3 are missing from the source] CHORUS 1. Then blow the whistle and clear the truck, Put on steam till the wheels are humming, And though old fogies should all hold back; [CHORUS ending is missing from source] CHORUS 2. For steam is up, let them clear the track, We’ll keeo the wheels of commerce humming, And though the bankers may all hold back; [CHORUS ending is missing from source] CHORUS 3. Then put on steam and all clear the track, The wheels of progress all are humming, We’ll neither stall nor a foot go back; [CHORUS ending is missing from source]