"Alone By the Sea-Side" (1871) Beautiful Song & Chorus Words by William Marion Cook Music by Henry Tucker, 1826-1882 New York, NY: J. L. Peters, Plate No. 839-3 [Source: 04383@LoC] 1. I am lone-ly, so lone-ly, down by the sea-side! How fad-ed the tint of the soft sum-mer skies; My heart, too, is sink-ing as low as the tide, And tears, bit-ter tears now are blind-ing my eyes; How bright the waves whis-per as they kiss the shore, Like lips full of mu-sic I'll hear nev-er-more, Like lips full of mu-sic, I'll hear nev-er-more. CHORUS [repeat after each verse] On the soft wings of love she was borne far a-bove, To dwell with the an-gels for-ev-er, And the queen of my soul I shall no more be-hold, With these fond eyes, while liv-ing, no, nev-er. 2. How beau-teous the flow-ers that bloom by the way! They woo me from sor-row to sweet dreams of love; And sweet is the song-bird that car-ols its lay, And points my poor sad droop-ing spir-it a-bove; But those bliss-ful mo-ments, a-las! they have flown, Those treasures, those pleas-sures I once call'd my own, Those treasures, those pleasures I once call'd my own.