Cordially dedicated to the Rensalaer Street Mission Sabbath School, Albany, N. Y. "Call the Children Early" (23 March 1858) A sabbath school song composed with an accompaniment for the Piano or Melodeon by Henry Tucker, 1826-1882 New York: Firth, Pond & Co., 547 Broadway, Plate No. 4387 [Source: also as No. 144 in "The Nightengale; A Choice Collection of Songs, Chants and Hymns, designed for the use of Juvenile Classes, Public Schools, and Seminaries; containing also a Complete and Concise System of Elementary Instruction." by W. O. & H. S. Perkins. (Boston, MA: Oliver Ditson and Company, 277 Washington Street, 1860)] 1. Call the children early, mother, While the birds do sing, While the dew is on the flowers Which by the hillside spring; Oft repeat the waking word, Till they rise to praise the Lord. Oft repeat the waking word Till they rise to praise the Lord. 2. Call the children early, father, While the dew is on, Great the work that must be done Before the morning's gone; Call them round the altar bright, On which burns devotion's light. Call them round the altar bright, On which burns devotion's light. 3. Call the children early, teacher, To their wond'ring eyes, Ev'ry sabbath day set forth The pearl of richest price; Call them early to the Lord, Thou shalt reap a rich reward. Call them early to the Lord, Thou shalt reap a rich reward. 4. Call the children early, shepherd, Give the lambs thy care, See that they are folded safe Within the house of prayer; Call them at the dawn of day, Lead them in the narrow way. Call them at the dawn of day, Lead them in the narrow way. 5. Call the children, Spirit holy, With Thy word of power, Call them early, call them early In the morning hour; Ere their hearts in sin grow hard, Ere the gate of heav'n is barred. Ere their hearts in sin grow hard, Ere the gate of heav'n is barred.