"Action! Action! Action!" (1887) (For Temperance Ocassions.) Words and Music by Thomas Martin Towne, 1835-1912 Chicago: Soloman W. Straub [Source: page 155 from "BEAUTIFUL SONGS! A New and Choice Collection of Songs For the Sunday School. also, A Responsive Service for Each Month in the Year." by S[olomon]. W. Straub.] 1. Action, action, action! Is the word today; Forward, forward, forward! Now without delay; Waiting not for others, Hesitating slow, Be the movers, leaders, Into action go! 2. Courage, courage, courage! Never faint nor flinch, Onward, onward, onward! Yielding not an inch; Break the drunkard’s shackles, Take him by the hand, Banish drunkard makers, Vote them from the land! 3. Watching, watching, watching, Praying in your tears; Hoping, hoping, hoping, For the better years; For a newborn nation, Free from curse of rum; Finding grandest triumph, In the days to come!