"My Father's Half Bushel" (1864) (from "First Series: Comic Songs", among 85 others by various composers) A Bass Solo Composed by T. Martin Towne 1. My Father's half bushel comes oft to my mind, And awakens deep feelings of various kind: 'Twas an honest half bushel, a [coble?] half bushel, A truthful half bushel, as ever you'll find. 2. When I think of that bushel -- my father's half bushel, That dear old half bushel so honest and true; Then look at the bushels, our city hald bushels, Little dandy half bushels, it makes me feel blue. 3. The political half bushel -- and india-rubber half bushel, The equivocal half bushel, which no one denies, A little ut holds when dealing in truth, But a shocking big bushel when measuring lies. 4. The moral half bushel -- and rancid half bushel, Besides doing little, I fear it is rotten, And the Lawyers half bushel -- honest looking half bushel, But the hoops are all loose and [a hide ?] in the bottem.