To Miss Anna M. Peck, New York. "When the Light Waves Rippling Play." (1871) A Reminiscence of Saratoga Lake. Barcarolle. Words by Arthur Matthison, Music by John Rogers Thomas, 1830-1896. New York: Horace Waters, 481 Broadway Cleveland: S. Brainard's Sons Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co. Philadelphia: Lee & Walker [Source: @NYPL] 1. When the light waves rippling play. O’er the lake at dawn of day, Swift my boat flies o’er the spray, As my strong oars bend and sway! Pure and fresh the breezes float, O’er the waters darts my boat; But one greater Joy I know, Thou morn ing’s silent row! When the light waves rippling play. O’er the lake at dawn of day, Swift my boat flies o’er the spray, As my strong oars bend and sway! 2. When the gold stars, shimm’ring gleam, When the morn’s rays softly beam, Then dear eyes still dearer seem; Ah! what hap piness supreme! Slowly, softly creeps my boat, O’er the murm’rous waves we float; Love to love sighs as we go, This the joy! Eve’s silent row! When the gold stars shimm’ring gleam, When the moon rays softly beam, Then dear eyes still dearer seem; Ah! what happiness supreme.