To my Friend William Candidus, Esq. "To Stella in Heaven" (1871) (Original Key G.) Song Poetry by W. H. C. Hosmer, Music by John Rogers Thomas, 1830-1896 New York: J. N. Pattison & Co., 48 & 50 E. Str. Plate No. 56 [Source: @NYPL] 1. I have seen thee in my dreaming, I have thought of thee by day; And an eye on me is beaming, In the distance far away, in the distance for away. The cloud that floats above me, Takes the likeness of thy form, Oh! say, dost thou still love me, In a realm that knows not storm, in a realm that knows not storm [...] 2. Where the crystal streams are rolling Thro’ amaranthine bow’rs Unheard the deathbell tolling As in this world of ours, as in this world of ours Where the form divinely moulded, Is never laid to rest, With the pale hands meekly folded On the frozen puiseless breast, On the frozen pulseless breast. 3. O say dost thou remember When first I call’d thee mine, Or quench’d is love’s bright ember In the home that now is thine, in the home that now is thine. The cloud that floats above me, Takes the likeness of thy form; Oh! say dost thou still love me, In a realm that knows not storm, In a realm that knows not storm?