To Mrs. Nellie Ransom "Nellie Wilt Thou Be My Bride" (1859) Ballad Written and Composed by Charles Ocborne Author of Bonny Jean [alias for John Rogers Thomas, 1830-1896] New York, NY: Firth, Pond & Co., 547 Broadway Pittsburg, PA: H. Kleber & Bro. Rochester, NY: J. P. Shaw Cincinnati, OH: C. Y. Fonda Chicago, IL: Root & Cady Plate No. 4575 [Source: @NYPL] 1. Nellie wilt thou be my bride, And leave a home of gladness, To dwell with me whate’er betide And cheer my heart's lone sadness? There are no gifts that I may own But nature’s sweet bestowing Yet cheer’d by thee where weeds have grown Sweet flowers may be growing. Oh... [REFRAIN sung after each verse] Nellie wilt thou be my bride And leave a home of gladness To dwell with me whate’er betide And cheer my heart’s lone sadness? 2. Nellie wilt thou be me bride, And all my fears dispelling, Turn from the home of gilded pride To bless a lowly dwelling Love shall be ours whate’er our lot ’Till at the grave we sever To meet again where death is not And love shall last forever. Oh...