Authorized Edition. The Favorite Negro Melody. "A Life by de Galley Fire" (1848) (Music by Henry Russell, Esqr. [1812-1900]) Sung with Rapturous Applause at The St. James's Theatre by the Ethiopian Serenaders, Pell, Harrington, White, Stanwood & Germon. London: John Mitchell, 33 Old Bond Street [Source: 071/124@Levy] 1. A life by de Galley fire where de coppers are boiling wild Who would not dis life admire, it zackly suits dis child. Where de coppers are boiling wild Who would not dis life admire, it zackly suits dis child. I pine as I walk de street, like de fish wid-out a fin O get me my ole caboose, where I lay's back and grin. CHORUS A life by de Galley fire, where de coppers are boiling wild, Who would not dis life admire, it zackly suits dis child. It suits (it suits), it suits, it suits, it zackly suits dis child. It suits (it suits), it suits, it suits, it zackly suits dis child. 2. Once more in de Galley I sit, Habanna Cigars I smoke, Dere's many a color'd Gal, in lub wid dis old cook; Habanna Cigars I smoke, Dere's many a color'd Gal, in lub wid dis old cook. And wen de Captain's done, de basket I controuls, De wittles I serves out, to de poor and hungry souls. (CHORUS) 3. O wen to de coop I go, de gobblers dey all look, Becuse dey know full well, dat I'm de slautering cook; De gobbler's dey all look, Becuse dey know full well, dat I'm de slautering cook. De chickens dey look in my face, and de duck dey wink dere eye, Becuse dey know full well, dat some ob de lot must die. (CHORUS)