"God Bless the Fire Brigade" (circa 1845+) Words by George Douglas Phillips Music Composed by Henry Russell, 1812-1900 London: The Musical Bouquet Office Source: 179/064@Levy 1. I'm the man of the Fire Bri-gade Whose val-our my name has made. And where e-ver I go, Fresh sym-pa-thies flow To wel-come the Fire Bri-gade. By the hel-met on my brow, And the ma-ny a life I've saved I am known at once And a wel-come rings out For the man of the Fire Bri-gade Then huz-za, huz-za, huz-za Three cheers for cour-age es-say'd And the no-ble name each mem-ber has won God bless the Fire Bri-gade. CHORUS Then huz-zah, huz-zah, huz-zah There cheers for cour-age es-say'd And the no-ble name each mem-ber has won God bless the Fire Bri-gade. 2. No mat-ter how storm-y the night, We wait not for morn-ing's light, For the wel-come of all Re-pays the call that brings out the Fire Bri-gade. And the arms of a girl or boy, Will en-cir-cle our neck with joy, For they see by the light the fire has made That they're safe with the Fire Bri-gade Then huz-zah, huz-zah, huz-zah, Three cheers for cour-age es-say'd And the no-ble name each mem-ber has won God bless the Fire Bri-gade. (CHORUS)