"Blow, Warder, Blow" (1884) Words and Music by George Frederick Root, 1820-1895 Cincinnati: John Church & Co. [Source: pp. 98-101 from "Our Song World"] 1. [SATB] Blow, warder, blow thy sounding horn! And thy banner wave on high! For the Christians have fought in the holy land And have won, have won the victory, And have won the victory, [B] Then the warder looked from his tow池 on high, [T] As far as he could see, [SATB] 的 see a bold Knight and by his red cross He comes from the east, from the east country, He comes from the east country. 2. [ovelapping voices] [SA] Then loud he blew And [TB] Then loud the warder blew his horn, And he [SATB] called till he was hoarse, I see a bold Knight And on his shield so bright, He beareth a flaming cross. [DUET] [AT] Then down the Lord of the castle came The red cross Knight to meet, And when the red cross Knight he espied, Right lovingly did he greet. [CHORUS] [SATB] Thou池t welcome here, dear red cross Knight, Thy fame痴 well known to me. Let the [overlapping voices] [S] mass be sung [ATB] mass be sung and the bells be rung [SATB] And we値l feast right merrily, merrily, we値l feast right merrily, Let the mass be sung and the bells be run, And we値l feast right merrily, merrily, Let the mass be sung and the bells be rung And we値l feast right merrily, merrily, We値l feast right merrily.