P R E F R A C E.
The aim of the NATIONAL SCHOOL SINGER is to supply the following wants in day- schools: 1st. A book convenient in size and price. 2d. Songs of Study, Order, Promptness, Obedience, and kindred subjects, so constructed as to have a direct bearing upon the difference "situations" in the school-room where music would be appropriate and helpful. 3d. Song-lessons, Excercise songs, and Vacation songs. 4th. Songs of Home, Industry, and Nature. 5th. Patriotic songs, Temperance songs, and songs for anniversary occasions. 6th. Opening and Closing songs. 7th. Hymns for Devotional Exercises. That these songs may not be limited in their use to special occasions, they are distrubuted through the book. WHen wanted for other purposes that the regular school-singing, they can easily be selected. We have secured the services of competent persons in the preparation of this work, as will readily be seen, and we send forth it in the full belief that it will be a decided helpt to to cause of "Music in Schools." THE PUBLISHERS.
--------------------------------- Copyright , 1875, GEORGE F. ROOT.
[NOTE: the published date however is 1878 by A. S. Barnes & Co. as per the book's title page.]