No. 1 "Old Hundred Service" (1875) Words and Music (Choir) by George Frederick Root, 1820-1895 Words and Music (Congregation) by W. Franc. [Source: pp. 3-5 from "Choir and Congregation"] [CHOIR] Praise ye the Lord. Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Praise ye the Lord! praise Him! Princes and all judges of the earth. Both young men and maidens, praise Him! Old men and chldren Old men and children praise Him! praise Him! Praise ye the Lord! Praise ye the Lord! Praise ye the Lord! For the Lord is good, His mercy is everlasting. His truth endureth to all generations. And His truth endureth to all generations. Let everything that hath breath, that hath breath, that hath breath, Let everything that hath breath, Praise ye the Lord! Praise ye the Lord! Praise ye the Lord! [CHOIR and CONGREGATION] 1. From all that dwell below the skies, Let the Creator’s praise arise; Let the Redeemer’s name be sung, Through ev’ry land, by ev’ry tongue. 2. Eternal are Thy mercies, Lord, Eternal truth attends Thy word! Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore, Till sun shall rise and set no more.