"Farewell Beloved Friends, Farewell" (1871) by George Frederick Root 1. 'Mid the scenes so bright and cheerful, One sad strain we bring; Joy is silent, Love is tearful, While our low "Farewell we sing, Farewell, Farewell belov-ed friends, farewell, Farewell, Farewell belov-ed friends, farewell. 2. Coming days will not restore us All we've found and cherish'd here; But with radiant hopes before us Smiles the future, bright and clear. Farewell belov-ed friends, farewell, Farewell, Farewell belov-ed friends, farewell. 3. Oh! with faithful hearts and lovely, May we meet the joy and strife; Learning lessons pure and holy From the open Book of life. Farewell belov-ed friends, farewell, Farewell, Farewell belov-ed friends, farewell.