"Uncle Sam's Funeral" (20 April 1864) by Silex Arranged by Wurzel [pseud. for George Frederick Root, 1820-1895] 1. Twas but little while again, that the copperheards found With their Vallandighammer a hammering a round And they tried to scare us with their doleful sound, H'm, Ha. CHORUS Yes, they tried to scare us with their dolceful sound, H'm, Ha. 2. Then said they, "O people dear, poor Uncle Sam is dead, Let us put him in his coffin, and hammer down the lid," And to work they all went as the words they said, H'm Ha. CHORUS Yes, to work they all went as the words, H'm Ha. 3. Said the people, "Is it so, pray what was it made him die. Though we never will believe you, you are so apt to lie. "Of the nigger proclamation," they did cry, H'm, Ha. CHORUS "Twas the nigger proclamation," they did cry, H'm, Ha. 4. But the people only laughed at the story that they told, For they know his Constitution, and answered, up so bold. "O you silly copperheads, you're badly sold," H'm, Ha. CHORUS Yes, you silly, &c. 5. Uncle Sam he then arose, like a giant hale and strong, With his people, and his army, a glorious loyal; And the Coppers sneaked to where they all belong, H'm, Ha. CHORUS Yes, the Coppers, &c. 6. Where they have gone to, it is now quite impossible to tell, But if they are reporting, we all know very well, That some time or other, we shall ring their knell, H'm, Ha. CHORUS Yes, sometimes or other, &c.