"Old Josey" (1854) by George Frederick Root [Solo Chorus] Come old Josey strike a tone, Let us have a song! Bring the banjo and the bones, Swell it loud and long; What's the use looking glum, When we're all so gay, Massa's gone and work is done, Now's the time for play. Come old Josey strike a tone, Let us have a song! Bring the banjo and the bones, Swell it loud and long. [Verse] Why should I so sad and weary, Join my voice with you to sing? To the old the world is weary, Cares with every moment spring! What tho' now you have your playtime, Work tomorrow comes again, When this life's so full of sorrow, Can you make a lively strain? But in youth it all is joyful, I will sing no sadder tones, Hark you boys, old Joe is ready! Bring the banjo and the bones. CHORUS [Missing first half of chorus] Let us have it and our work Will be better done, Now old Josey strik a tone Let us have a song, Bring the banjo and the bones Swell it loud and long.