"Bird of the North" (Feb. 1852) by George Frederick Root, 1820-1895 [Source: pages 132-136 of "The Academy Vocalist"] [SOLO] Lin-ger not, lin-get not, speed thee a-way, Bird of the North, for the chill blast is nigh; Fly to thy green sun-ny bow-ers so gay, Sing while the soft words go mer-ri-ly by. Lin-ger not, lin-ger not, why shouldst thou stay, Na-ture no lon-ger is smil-ing for thee; Blos-soms a-round thee are fad-ing a-way. Hushed is thy mus-ic, once hap-py and free. [CHORUS] Soon will the spring-time their beau-ty re-store, Wood-land and val-ley now lone-ly and drear; Then we will list to thy mu-sic once more, Glad-ly, sweet song-ster, we'll wel-come thee home. [SOLO and CHORUS with overlapping voices] [SOLO] Lin-ger not, lin-ger not, speed thee a-way, Lin-ger not, lin-ger not, speed thee a-way, a-way, speed thee a-way, speed thee a-way, speed thee a-way, speed thee a-way, speed thee a-way, a-way, a-way. [CHORUS] Lin-ger not, lin-ger not, speed thee a-way, Bird of the North, for the chill blast is nigh; Fly to the green sun-ny bow-ers so gay, Sing while the soft winds go mer-ri-ly by. Lin-ger not, Lin-ger not, Lin-ger not, lin-ger not, speed thee a-way, a-way.-g