"O Let Me Be a Blonde, Mother!" (1872) Modern Ballad Valse Words by Grace H. Horr Music by Frederick Woodman Root 1. I know I'm called a gay brunette, With jetty, curly hair; But O, I'm weary of dark curls, And wish that they were fair; O I must be a blond, Mother, O let me be a blonde! O I must be a blond, Mother, O let me be a blonde! REFRAIN Do Ma! Please Ma! Now Ma! Let me be a blonde! 2. There's little swarthy Katie Jones, O no one calls her fair; Was bleached and blanched for just three days, And now has yellow hair; Just think of Katie Jones, Mother, And let me be a blonde! Just think of Katie Jones, Mother, And let be be a blonde! (REFRAIN) 3. And Fred-eric Jones who waits on me, You think of me he's fond; But oft I find him slighting me, And smiling on a blonde; You surely won't say no, Mother, But let me be a blonde! You surely won't say no, Mother, But let me be a blonde! (REFRAIN) 4. You know that when to Lucy Brown A knew hat was denied, She threw herself in Dreamer's Lake, And sank beneath the tide! Remember Dreamer's Lake, Mother, And let me be a blonde! Remember Dreamer's Lake, Mother, And let me be a blonde! (REFRAIN)