"Go and Ask My Mother" (1848) Comic Ballad Written & Composed by John Hill Hewitt, 1801-1890 Baltimore, MD: F. D. Benteen, Plate No. 1431 [Source: 049/027@Levy] 1. You've told me many a time and oft, That I was fair and comely, My eyes were bright -- my tresses soft, And other girls were homely. "She's quite too young to know her will." The folks say to each other; But if you truly love me still, Why __ go and ask my mother. REFRAIN Go, go, go, go. Go and ask my mother. 2. I've seen you dance with city girls, And flirt with country cousins; Praise Julia and her raven curls, And glances threw by dozens. I thought it very strange, and vow'd I'd look out for another; But, when you smiled, my anger bow'd, So __ go and ask my mother. (REFRAIN) 3. I'm told there's care in in married life, That all the joy's in courting; When young men have secured a wife, They say their vows were sporting. I won't believe what old maids say. If you won't choose another; You've bother'd me so much today, Do __ and ask your mother. (REFRAIN)