"Sleeping I Dreamed Love" (1844) the Words written & adapted to W. V. Wallace's Beautiful Romance "Le Reve" by Mrs. Mary E. Hewitt The Symphonies & Accompaniment by John Hill Hewitt, 1801-1890 1. Sleeping, I dream'd love--dream'd love, of thee; O'er the bright waves, love, floating were we; Light is thy fair hair play'd the soft wind, Gently thy white arms round me were twined, And as thy song love swell'd o'er the sea, Fondly thy blue eyes beam'd love on me. 2. Soon, o'er the bright waves howled forth the gale, Fiercely the lightning flash'd in our sail; Yet while our frail bark drove the sea, Thine eyes, like load stars, beam'd love me. Oh! heart awaken! Wreck'd on lone shore, Then art forsaken! Dream heart no more!