"Ye Burning Stars" (1838) [NOTE: cover title with "!"; title page without "!"] Recitativo & Polacca Sung in the Pastoral Oratorio "Flora's Festival" Performed by the Pupils of the Baltimore Musical Institute, Written & Composed by John Hill Hewitt, 1801-1890. Philadelphia, PA: W.D. Peters. Louisville, KY: Peters & Webster---Cincinnati, OH: Peters & Field Plate No. 443. [Source: 035/124@Levy] Ye burning stars! bright jewels of the night! Send forth your streams of pure and silv’ry light Glare proud-ly through the depths of mellow blue And yield new lustre to the crystal dew. Stars that are dancing lightly, Sing in your orbits nightly, Ne’er could ye beam more brightly, More beautiful than now Stars that are dancing lightly, Sing in your orbits nightly, Ne’er could ye beam more bright-ly, More beautiful than now. Oh! how purely gleams Thy radiance round the crown of night, As if the realm of dreams Were made of moons and planets bright. Stars that are dancing lightly, Sing in your orbits nightly, Ne’er can ye beam more brightly, More beautiful than now. Pearly stars illume night’s brow illume night’s brow illume night’s brow illume night’s brow illume night’s brow. Illume night’s brow illume night’s brow.