"Lament of the Swiss Mountaineers" (not dated) Quartette Words and Music by John Hill Hewitt, 1801-1890 [Source-- manuscript photocopy curtesy of: John Hill Hewitt Collection (#31) OP -- Group 7, Folder 6 Special Collections EMORY UNIVERSITY The Robert W. Woodruff Library Atlanta, Georgia 30322-2870] They've left the mountain, left the vale Where once they dwelt in peace; Their last farewell swells on the gale, And now its accents cease. Oh! Alpine home! thou't silent now, Thy notes are heard no more The echo sleeps on mountain brow, Thy song of you is o'er Now in a foreigh land they dwell, Far from their fatherland. They sigh to mountain joys farewell before the ocean strand. Where Freedom glads the soul of men, The Switzer makes his home, Then can he sing his Alpine song And never wish to roam, Then can he sing his Alpine song And never wish to roam.