"O Where Is That Heart" (1820) Written by Peter W. Grayson Esq. of Bardstown, KY. Composed by Anthony Philip Heinrich, 1781-1861 Philadelpha, PA: Bacon & Hart Bardstown, KY: The Author [Source: pages 188-189 from "The Dawning of Music in Kentucky"] 1. O where is that heart whose passion could stay, Still the same, and for one, thro life’s changing day; That would brighter and brighter glow ever to death, And leave her pure form, but with her last breath. 2. That when Fortune is kind, in shade hides her zeal, For the balance of her love hath no wound to heal; But when sorrows come on and cloud all the scene, With the light of her smile brings Hope back again. 3. ’Tis a star in the sky that but faintly gleams, While the sun on the earth pours the bliss of his beams; But when darkness and clouds, come on with the night, Shines forth in her beauty, all tearful and bright.