To Genl. W. C. Whitaker. "The Old Sergeant" (1864) ("A Hero of Lookout Mountain") A Beautiful Song by William Shakespeare Hays, 1837-1907 [Source: 089/074@Levy] 1. Grim vis-aged war stalk'd thro' val-ley and moun-tain, Foe face to foe met in bat-tle ar-ray, Hush'd for a time was the song of the foun-tain, Clouds were re-veal-ing the bright face of day. On moved the ar-my 'mid mus-ket-ry's rat-tle, How the earth trem-bled as ne-ver be-fore, The voic-es of wound-ed, that fell in the bat-tle, Died with the ech-oes, of Can-nons loud roar. 2. "Up-ward and on-ward" the of-fi-cers shout-ed, Fol-low'd by men who were wil-ling and brave, Pres-sing the foe who were ut-ter-ly pent-ed, Know-ing our flag must in tri-umph yet wave, "On, Com-rades, on, nev-er shrink from your du-ty, Ral-ly a-gain 'round the old tat-ter'd flag, "See!" cried the Ser-geant, "it waves in its beau-ty, Charge once a-gain, on that trait-or-ous scrag." 3. "I'll take the flag, Come, my braves, now Sur-round it," Loud, deep, and long did the mad Can-non's roar, The Ser-geant took lead, and they ral-lied a-round it, Whilst show-ers of bul-lets around them did pour. On moved the braves the Old Ser-geant still bear-ing The_flag of his Coun-try so tat-ter'd and worn, But he stag-ger'd and fell; for_a ball came un-spar-ing Still he held up the flag_which_was gal-lant-ly borne. 4. The Old Ser-geant rais'd from the spot he was ly-ing, And shout-ed "my brave boys, go on in_the fight, And nev-er mind me, take_the flag, I am dy-ing" Then_lay down to rest 'neath the cov-er of night. The bat-tle is ov-er and thous-ands_are weep-ing, For those who were killed-- Oh! Il-lus-trious Braves! Who now in their cold rock-y graves, calm are sleep-ing, Whose names are_as mon-u-ments ov-er their graves. 5. The old Ser-geant sleeps in his grave on the moun-tain, 'Tis close to the Sum-mit where brave-ly he fell. But he hears not the murm'-ring song of the foun-tain, That play-ful-ly wan-ders a-way, Yet sigh-ing, "all is well." Ah! when the trum-pet of time makes the earth trem-ble And all the earth's ar-my must rise and pre-pare. The right and wrong 'round the Throne must as-sem-ble The Gal-land old Ser-geant will sure-ly be there.