"Nigger Will Be Nigger" (1864) Sung by W. Arlington of Arlington, Kelly & Leon's Minstrels Written & Composed by William Shakespeare Hays, 1837-1907 [Source: 024/079@Levy] 1. Oh! If you'll lis-ten to my song, I'll sing a lit-tle sto-ry, A-bout a Nig-ga size o' me, dat use to lib in glo-ry, I run a-way from Mas-sa-- leff de lit-tle ones wid Din-ah, When de bot-tom ub de Un-ion tub fell out in Norf Car'-li-na. SPOKEN (Yes I did.) I see'd de muss a bi-lin, an' I put de hoe a-way, "Oh! we gwine to whip de Yank-ees," So I heard ole Mis-sus Say, "An' dey gwine to free de Nig-ga's" but dey'll neb-ber Cum it quite, Kase, a Nig-ga will be Nig-ga, dey kin neb-ber make him white. 2. I got down to New Or-le-ans, Ole Mas-sa was for-got-ten, A So-jer Man he cum a-long, an' sod me rol-lin' Cot-ton, At night I axed him for de pay, he tale me take my lip in He _ tuck me to de Cal-a-boose, an' dar I cotch a whip-pin. SPOKEN ("Well, if dey didn't dey mus!") I look ad him a lit-tle while, an' den he look at me, An' tale me go to-- Wash-ing-ton, an' _ dar dey'd set me free, I _ ax him for to gim me pass, he said he could-n't write, Oh! a Nig-ga will be Nig-ga, dey kin neb-ber make him white. 3. Dey run me to de Steam-boat, wid _ fin-ger on de trig-gers You ought to see de Scat-ter-a-tion dem a-mong de Nig-ga's, _ Some jump'd in de scut-tle hole-- an' some o' dem did shiv-er, An' _ half a doz-en drown dey selves, by jum-pin' in de rib-ber. SPOKEN ("Dey was fools fo' dat.") I was 'mong de Cap-tur'd an' dey _ gib a gun to me, An' tole me for to fol-low dem,-- an' _ dey would set me free, Dey _ dress me up in So-jer close-- dey did-n't fit me right, Kase a Nig-ga will be Nig-ga, you kin neb-ber make him white. 4. Dey put me in de black bri-gade-- de Ker-nal he was dril-lin' An' told de "fust A-mer-i-can" ob blood dey'd soon be Spil-lin; De Nig-ga's eyes was bot-tom up-- dar teeth be-gin to rat-tle, He _ tole 'em not to trod up-on each oth-ers heels in bat-tle. SPOKEN ("You ought to see dem Nigga's heels.") Dey sent us out u-pon a Scout-- an' we each had a gun, De _ Re-bels made a dash-in' raid, you ought to see us run, An' _ I'm sat-is-fied de Nig-ga's would rath-er run dan fight, Kase a Nig-ga will be Nig-ga, you kin neb-er make him white. 5. De Nig-ga's good fo' throw-in dirt-- an' pur-ty good at bit-in', Dey'd bet-ter let de "Wes-tern boys," go in an' do de fight-in'; Dey neb-ber run in bat-tle yet but when de pull de trig-ger, Dey _ go one eye up-on de reb-- de to-ders on a Nig-ga. SPOKEN ("None o' dat for me.") Dey may put us on de "bum-goats" or run us on de shore, You may shut 'em up in bress works, dey'll all-ers, find de door, You may _ rub an' scrub 'em all-ers, an' dey will be black as night Kase it neb-er was in-tend-ed dat a Nig-ga should be white.