To the People. "McClellan Is the Man" (1864) Grand Rallying Song with Chours. [Written and Composed] Words and Music by William Shakespeare Hays, 1837-1907 [Source: 006/076@Levy] 1. The cru-el war must have an end; I'll tell you what we'll do; We'll cast our votes for "Lit-tle Mac," We're bound to put him through. The wid-ow's wails and or-phan's tears. Pre-vail-ing o'er the land. Pray heaven to send a rare re-lief-- Mc-Clel-lan is the man. CHORUS Shout! boys, shout! and ral-ly all you can, We'll have an-oth-er Wash-ing-ton-- Mc-Clel-lan is the man! 2. Cor-rup-tion sits in plac-es high, And Shod-dy rules the roast; "Fight on!" is still Cor-rup-tion's cry, "More spoils!" is Shod-dy's boast. But we, the peo-ple, sov'reigns all, De-clare our right-eous cause; "The Con-sti-tu-tion as it is, The U-nion as it was." (CHORUS) 3. This cru-el war will nev-er cease Un-til the South comes back; The on-ly man to do the work Is glor-ious "Lit-tle Mac." Then let us put him in the chair, And he will give us peace; For "Peace in U-nion" is his sin, And war's a-larms will cease. (CHORUS) 4. Let's heal dis-sen-tions and u-nite, Then, strong-er than be-fore, We'll bear our ban-ner through the world, The flag our fa-thers bore. In man-y stripes and gol-den stars Shall give the peo-ple ease; And all th's-pressed of ev-ery clime Will hail our happy peace. (CHORUS) 5. The hot-heads South cried "Let's secede," But find it doesn't pay; The hot-heads North cried "Confiscate, And then we'll have our way." But both have failed and always will; There is a better plan: We'll choose a right-eous Pres-i-dent-- Mc-Clel-lan is the man! (CHORUS)