Foster's Melodies No. 41. "Fairy-Belle" (1859) Song Written and Composed (Poetry and Music) by Stephen Collins Foster, 1826-1864 1. The pride pf the village and the fairest in the dell Is the queen of my song and her name is Fairy-Belle; The sound of her light step may be heard upon the hill Like the fall of the snow-drop or the drip of the rill, CHORUS Fairy-Belle, gentle Fairy-Belle, The star of the night and the lily of the day, Fairy-Belle, The queen of the dell, Long may she revel on her bright sunny way. 2. She sings in the meadows and she carols to the streams, She laughs in the sunlight and smiles while in her dreams, Her hair like the thistle-down is bourn upon the air, And her heart like the humming-bird's is free from ev'ry care. (CHORUS) 3. Her soft notes of melody around me sweetly fall, Her eye full of love is now beaming on my soul. The sound of that gentle voice, the glance of that eye, Surround me with rapture that no other heart could sigh. (CHORUS)