"Oh! Boys, Carry My 'Long" (1851) A Plantation Melody Written and Composed (Words and Music) by Stephen Collins Foster, 1826-1864 1. Oh! carry my 'long; Der's no more trouble for me; I's guine to roam In a happy home Where all de niggas am free. I've worked long in de fields; I've handled many a hoe; I'll turn my eye, Before I die, And see de sugarcane grow. CHORUS 2 times Oh! boys, carry my 'long; Carry me till I die -- Carry me down To de buryin' groun' -- Massa, dont you cry. 2. All ober de land I've wanderd many a day, To blow de horn And mind de corn And Keep de possun away. No use for me now -- So darkeys bury me low; My horn is dry, And I must lie Wha de possum nebber go. (CHORUS 2 times) 3. Farewell to de boys Wid hearts so happy and light, Dey sing a song De whole day long, And dance de juba at night. Farewell in de fields Ob cotten, 'bacco, and all; I's guine to hoe In a bressed row Wha de corn grows mellow and tall. (CHORUS 2 times) 4. Farewell to de hills, De meadows covered wid green, Old brindle Boss And de old grey hoss All beaten, broken, and lean. Farewell to de dog Dat always followed me round; Old Sansho'll wail And droop his tail When I am under de ground. (CHORUS 2 times)