"Dolly Day" (1850) (from Foster's Plantation Melodies, No. 2) As sung by the Christy and Cambell Minstrels, and New Orleans Serenaders. Written, Composed & Arranged by Stephen Collins Foster, 1826-1864 1. I've told you 'bout de banjo, De fiddle and de bow, Likewise about de cottenfield, De shubble and de hoe; I've sung about de bulgine Dat blew de folks away, And now I'll sing a little song About my Dolly Day. CHORUS Oh Dolly Day looks so gay, I run all round and round, To hear her fairy footsteps play, As she comes o'er de ground. 2. I like to see de clover Dat grows about the lane, I like to see de 'bacco plant, I like de sugar cane; But on de old plantation Der's nothing half so gay, Der's nothing dat I love so much As my sweet Dolly Day. (CHORUS) 3. When de work is over I make de banjo play, And while I strike de dulcem notes, I think of Dolly Day. Here form is like a posy -- De lily of de vale, Her voice is far de sweetest sound Dat floats upon de gale. (CHORUS) 4. Massa give me money To buy a peck of corn I'se guine to marry Dolly Day And build myself a barn; Den when I'm old and feeble, And when my head is grey, I'll trabble down de hill of life Along wid Dolly Day. (CHORUS)