"Uncle Ned" (1848) by Stephen Collins Foster, 1826-1864 1. There was an old Nigger, his name was Uncle Ned, He's dead long ago, long ago' He had no wool on de top ob his head, De place whar de wool ought to grow, Den lay down de shubble and de hoe, Hang up de fiddle and de bow; [REFRAIN] No more hard work for poor Old Ned, He is gone whar de good niggers go. CHORUS Den lay down de shubble and de hoe, Hang up de fiddle and de bow; No more hard work for poor Old Ned, He is gone whar de good niggers go. 2. His fingers were long like de cane in de brake, He had no eyes for to see, He had no teeth for to eat de corn cake So he had to let de corn cake be. (REFRAIN) (CHORUS) 3. When Old Ned die, Massa take it mighty bad, De tears run down like de rain, Old Missus turn pale and she look'd berry sad, Kase she nebber see Old Ned again. (REFRAIN) (CHORUS)