First Edition.] [Anthem III. E Pluribus Unum American National Anthems. By Henry O'Reilly. Wirtten for the Sumter Celebration, April 14th, 1865. I. The American Jubilee. II. Freedom Triumphant. III. The American Freedmen. IV. The Heroes and Martyrs. Music by John M. Loretz, Jr. [Dedicated to Abraham Lincoln, the Great Emancipator] American Anthems. No. III. "The American Freedmen: An Anthem for the Sumter Celebration, (“Raising the Old Flag,”) April 13, 1865." (14 Apr 1865) Written by Henry O'Reilly. Music by John M. Loretz, Jr. from the unpublished opera of "Blanche of Castille." New-York, 1865. Published by the American News Company, 122 Nassau Street, N. Y. C. S. Westcott & Co.'s Union Printing House, 79 Jhhn Street, N. Y. Telegraph Office, New York, April, 1855. Electrotyped by Smith & McDougal, 82 & 84 Beekman St., N. Y. [Source: 200001584@LoC/IHAS-CWM] 1. Slavery’s rebel warfare done— The bloody conflict past— The battle fought, the triumph won, And Freedom reigns at last! Bondmen brave, their shackles breaking— Clad now in Freedom’s blue— For our Nation boldly battling, Fought gallantly and true! CHORUS [sung after each VERSE] Hurrah! for the faithful Freedmen! Long curs’d by servile chains, Who fought for our Flag and Union, ’Till Peace triumphand reigns. Freedmen’s blood flow’d red in battle, By the side of White Men true— All battlng for Freedom and Union, And clad in the loyal blue— Clad in the loyal blue— All battling for Freedom and Union, And clad in the royal blue. 2. From Mississippi’s cotton land, Virginia’s “sacred soil”— And from other Rebel regions, Rush’d sable sons of toil— Rushing with sturdy willing arms— Two hundred thousand strong— For the RIGHTS of MAN contending, ’Mid battles fierce and long. 3. At old Carolina’s harbors, Port Hudson’s crimson’d plain— In Ollustree’s fatal forest— At Pillow’s foully slain!— At Richmond’s towering ramparts, Where Treason fierce held sway— The valiant Freedman‘s flowing blood Bedew’d the victor’s way. 4. The loyal suffering white men, Fleeing from Rebel sway, Receiv’d from the swarthy millions Kind succor on their way. Tho’ tortur’d in Rebel dungeons, The loyal white men brave Found always good faith and comfort In cabings of the slave. 5. In the battlefields of Freedom— In the midnight march profound— Sturdy loyalty and guidance In color’d men were found: And now, when Peace and Liberty Shed blessings through the land, Let the RIGHTS OF HUMAN NATURE BE SHARED WITH GEN’ROUS HAND. 6. The Nation’s power and freedom— Its glory or its shame— Be Sable as by White Men watch’d— All anxious for its fame— May ever be safely guarded, In peacetime and in wars, By GIVING THE RIGHTS OF FREE MEN TO ALL MEN UNDER THE “STARS.”