New Songs and Quartetts As sung by the Barker Family. [1] AWAY WITH CARE AND SORROW ... N. BARKER [2] THE MIGHTY SHIP ... S. J. CLARK [3] VERSPER SONG ... C. N. ALLEN [4] OUR HEROES ... BARKER [5] O'ER THE FAR BLUE MOUNTAIN ... C. F. COLE [6] MY WESTERN HOME ... [7] THE OLD BUCKEYE STATE ... F. N. PEASE [4] "Our Heroes" [1865] Quartette. Words by F. De Haes Janvier. Music by Nathan Barker. Cleveland, OH: S. BRAINARD & Co. [M 1640 .B] [Plate No.] 1616 2 [Source: 1865-200000843@LoC/IHAS-CWM] 1. Cheers! cheers, for our heroes! Not those who wear stars; Not those who wear eagles, And leaflets and bars; We know they are gallant, And honor them, too, For bravely maintaining The Red, White and Blue! For bravely maintaining The Red, White and Blue! 2. But, cheers for our soldiers, Rough wrinkled and brown; The men who make heroes And ask no renown Unselfish, untiring, Intrepid and true, The bulwark surrounding The Red, White and Blue! The bulwark surrounding The Red, White and Blue! 3. Our patriot soldiers! When Treason arose, And Freedom’s own children Assailed her as foes; When Anarchy threatened And Order withdrew, They rallied to rescue The Red, White and Blue! They rallied to rescue The Red, White and Blue! 4. Upholding our banner, On many afield, The doom of the trairor They valiantly sealed. ; And, worn with the conflict, Found vigor anew, Where victory greeted The Red, White and Blue! Where victory greeted The Red, White and Blue! 5. Yet, loved ones have fallen And still, where they now, And chaplets unfading Shall blind ev’ry sleep, A sorrowing Nation Shall silently weep; And Spring’s fairest flowers, In gratitude, strew, O’er those who have cherished The Red, White and Blue! O’er those who have cherished The Red, White and Blue! 6. But, glory immortal Is waiting them sleep, And chaplets unfading Shall blind ev’ry brow; When call’d by the trumpet At time’s great review, They stand, who defended The Red, White and Blue! They stand, who defended The Red, White and Blue!