[No. 1836] Respectfully Dedicated to ABRAHAM LINCOLN, President of the United States "Our Flag Shall Wave There!" [1865] Patriotic Song Sung with great Applause by W. W. Batchelor Written & Composed by [ Com: & Arr: by] Robert Hervey. {Lithographer:] Geo. P. Swain Philadelphia, PA: W. R. SMITH, 135 Nth. Eighth St. N. York: W.A. Pond & Co. Boston: O. Ditson & Co. Cleveland: S. Brainard & Co. Baltimore: Henry McCaffrey. [M 1640 .H] [145694] [Engraver] Porter [Source: 1865-200001377-Loc?IHAS-CWM] 1. We have waged long this conflict, long breasted the tide, That our land has distracted and sever’d in twain, The Nations surrounding our factions deride, And they boast, we shall ne’er be united again; But though blood has flow’d freely throughout this broad land, Though our children in thousands lie ’neath the green sod, Still our Union shall last, still our Freedom shall stand, If cemented in blood, still protected by God. [CHORUS sung after each VERSE] And the storm soon shall pass, soon our dark skies grow fair, And no spot shall exist, but, Our flag shall wave there. 2. Uncall’d for this war, unexpected the strife, We thought not of the torrents of blood to be split, Nor with brothers expected a war to the knife, And with hatred and rancour, that knife to the hilt, But goaded and forc’d to the conflict we went, Knowing well that the right in the end conquers wrong, Ans though treasure and life has been lavishly spent, And we sometimes felt weak, we now find ourselves strong. 3. Already we see the bright proposed in store, When again shall be fertile each valley, each plain, And though serfs long in bondage, may suffer no more, Without shackles, more cheerful they’ll labor again, And united once more a true land of the free, From the North to the South, from the East to the West, Generations unborn shall applaud the decree, That has wip’d out the stain that once tarnish’d our crest, 4. Not a Nation like ours can divided uphold, The bright heritage that our forefathers have left, The bond of our Union’s more costly than gold, And weak all our efforts when Union is reft, But cemented together, with virtue our guide And with Liberty true, that no more shall enslave, We shall yet stem the torrent, yet conquer the tide, Have one “land for the Free,” and one “home for the Brave.”