"Nicodemus Johnson" (1865) by J. B. Murphy Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co. [Source: pages 116-117 of "Minstrel Songs, Old and New" (1883)] 1. I've just arrived in town today, And here I is before you, To sing about my name and occupation; I came from old Virginny State, De best in all de nation, [REFRAIN] O, ho! O, ho! to Nicodemus Johnson. 2. My master was a union man, He did not like secession, And so he had to leave de old plantation; I thought to stay behind him there, 'Twould be an aggravation, (REFRAIN) 3. I wish dis war would only end, And peace come frew de nation, I'd go right back to Dixie's land and stay dar; For I isn't any contraband, I love de old plantation, (REFRAIN)