"In Spendor Advancing" [1865] A Song for Our Banner Words & Music by F. B. Plimpton. Cincinnanti, OH: J. CHURCH Jr., No. 66 West Fourth St. Boston: O. Ditson & Co. New York: W. A. Pond & Co. Chicago: Lyon & Healey Philadelphia: W. A. Trumpler Lith. by Donaldson & Sims Cha,[?] [Library of Congress: Music Div. Class. M 1640 .P Acc. no. 124755] [Engraver:] J. J. L. [Source: 1865-200001248@LoC/IHAS-CWM] 1. Behold now in splendor advancing, The flag of the free is unfurled, The stars flashing bright on its azure, The light and the guide of the world, Lead on in thy beauty and glory! We’ll follow through battle and gale, With hearts for the friends who defend thee, And swords for the foes who assail With hearts for the friends who defend thee, And swords for the foes who assail CHORUS [sung after each VERSE] O’er the free, O’er the free, Wave forever, O flag of the free, the free, the free forO’er the free O’er the free O’er the free Wave forThe free, the free forever, O flag of the free; The hopes and the prayers of the Nations Are centered in God and on thee. 2. When tyranny swore to o’erwhelm them, Our fathers knelt down on the sod, For freedom and country imploring, The promise and blessing of God. And lo! on the blue field of heaven, They saw his bright banner appear, The stars as a guide through the darkness, And morn’s crimson glory to cheer The stars as a guide through the darkness, And morn’s crimson glory to cheer. 3. Then a song for the Flag of the Union, A shout for the Flag of the Free; The hopes and the prayers of the Nations Are centered in God and on thee. Lead on in thy beauty and glory, We’ll follow through battle and gale, With hearts for the friends who defend thee, And swords for the foes who assail. With hearts for the friends who defend thee, And swords for the foes who assail.