A National Anthem "Glory to God in the Highest!" [1865] Words by A. J. H. Duganne, Music by Mrs. E. A. Parkhurst. Author of "No slave beneath our starry Flag." "A Home on the mountain." "Oh, send me one flower from his grave." "Funeral March, to the memory of Abraham Lincoln, the Martyr President." 30 cts. each, Vignette copy of the March, 50 cts. New York, NY: Horace Waters, No. 401 Broadway Boston, MA: O. Ditson & Co. Philadelphia, PA: Lee & Walker. Chicago, IL: Root & Cady. Cincinnati, OH: J. Church Jr. [Engraver} Warren. [Library of Congress Music Div. Class. M 1640 .P Acc. no. 116202] [Plate no.] 1134 [Source: 1865-200001753@LoC/IHAS-CWM] 1. Glory to God! Glory to God! Glory to God! in the Highest! Out of the dark house of bondage emerging; Out of the Red Sea of conflict resurging: Up thro’ the deserts of Edom; Over the Jordan of Freedom; CHORUS 1 [sung twice] Glory to God! Glory to God! Up to the land of His promise we’ve trod; Glory to God in the highest! 2. Peace on the earth! Peace on the earth! Good will to Men! be our anthem! Here, over Washington’s grave, in communion, Pledging our Country to Freedom and Union! Refuge from Tyranny’s danger; Home of the exile and stranger; CHORUS 2 [sung twice] Peace be on earth! peace be on earth! Good will to men— out of Liberty’s birth— Pray we Jehovah to grant them! 3. Glory to God! Glory to God! Land of our Fathers! thou cryest! Praise to the name of our Lord for His mercies, Praise to His power, who hath scattered our curses! Praise, for His strength that secureth; Praise for His love that endureth! CHORUS 3 [sung twice] Glory to God! Glory to God! Ripening the harvest, and quick’ning the soul! Glory to God in the highest! 4. Freedom and right! freedom and right! Union that foes cannot sever! Bright Independence, by Washington chartered; Freedom bequeathed us by Lincoln the Martyred Long be their birthdays our glory; Long be their records our story; CHORUS 4 [sung twice] Freedom and right! freedom and right! Glory to God for His love and His might, Shielding our nation forever! 5. Glory to God! Glory to God! Glory to God in the highest! Liberty, life, and redemption, we owe Him! Glory and praise to Jehovah!— Elohim! Mountains and vales and savannas Mingling their voiceful hosannas! CHORUS 5 [sung twice] Glory to God! Glory to God! Under his rainbow or under His rod, Glory to God in the highest!