"De Lord He Make Us Free" (1865) (The Freedman's Song) [Music] by Eman. C. Pation. [emancipation!] Words by Charles Gates (from "Harper's Weekly") Published by W[illiam]. JENNINGS DEMOREST, No. 39 Beeksman St., New-York. S. T. Gordon, Wm. A Pond & Co., Wm. Hall & Son, Horace Waters, Firth, Son & Co., New-York. O. Ditson & Co., Boston. Lee & Walker, Philadelphia. C. Y. Fonda, Cincinnati. Root & Cady, Chicago. Electrotyped by Smith & McDougal, 82 and 84 Beekman St., New York. [Source: 088/142@Levy] 1. De Lord, He make us free indeed In His own time and way; We plant de rice and cotton seed, An’ see de sprout some day; We know it come, but not de why— De Lord know more than we; We ’spected freedom byan’by, An’ now we all am free. CHORUS 1 Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! For now we all am free. Praise the Lord! Praise de Lord! For now we all am free. 2. Norf is on the side of right, An’ full of men, dey say; An’ dere, when poor man work, at night He sure to ge de pay; De Lord, He glad they are so good, An’ make them bery strong; An’ when dey called to give their blood Dey all come right along. CHORUS 2 Praise de Lord! Praise de Lord! Dey all come right along. Praise de Lord! Praise de Lord! Dey all come right along.