"A Gloom Is Cast O’er All the Land!" (1865) (Song and Chorus) To the memory of our lamented President. Words and Music by Henry Schroeder New York: Horace Waters, 481 Broadway Boston: O. Ditson & Co. Philadelphia: Lee & Walker Chicago: Root & Cady Cincinnati: J. Church, Jr. Plate No. 1115 [Source: 005/029@Levy] 1. A gloom is cast o’er all the land, Our President is dead! He fell by vile assassins hand. His precious blood they shed! They’ve slain the man who was their friend, Most cowardly and base; We all lament the sad event, That brought to close his days. CHORUS 1 Oh nation rouse! Oh nation rouse! And let this crime, And let this crime, A warning be for future time! A warning be for future time! 2. His mind was kind and generous, So hatred is his breast, With love for North and South a like. He is bor’d for the best; His mission, by that fatal deed, Was ended much to soon; When most his counsel was of need, On came the dreaded doom. CHORUS 2 and 4 Oh nation rouse! Oh nation rouse! Avenge the blow! Avenge the blow! To traitors now no mercy show! To traitors now no mercy show! 3. The morn of peace was dawning on, Most joyful was the news; Victorious had our armies gone. Trough strongholds of our foes, But oh! how quick the scene was chang’d, From daylight into night; For festive play our flags arrang’d, Now mourn, where all was bright. CHORUS 3 Oh nation rouse! Oh nation rouse! And let this crime, And let this crime, A warning be for future time! A warning be for future time! 4. But he is dead! his spirit’s gone; Left but his lifeless form; The country lost her noble son, Amid a dang’rous storm. Forever will his mem’ry live, In ev’ry pattriot’s breast; Remember! ’twas foul treason’s hand, That robb’d our land from rest.