Inscribed to LIEUT[enant]. GENR[era]L. GRANT. [Ulysses Simpson Grant, 1822-1885] "Army Blue!" [c1865; 16 Jan 1866] Song & Chorus Words & Music by E[dwy] W[ells]. FOSTER. Milwaukee, WI: H. N. HEMPSTED, 410 Main St. [Plate No.] 363--5 [Filed Jan 16 1866] [Source:1865-200001063@LoC/IHAS-CWM] 1. Ah! I know a color true, And it is the army Blue! ’Twas discover’d in the gallant days of yore; And we know without a doubt That they’ve tried to wash out, But have left the color brighter than before! CHORUS [sung after each VERSE] Hail to the Flag! radiant with glory, Banner of the free! Even Time groweth old Ere the story is told Of the deeds of heroes clad in Army Blue! !eral M 2. Who were they that won the strife, Who that paid the price of life, Who that bore the flag of Battle bravely thro’, Who that gave such wondrous proof Of heroic web and woof, As the boys of Uncle Sam in army blue! 3. Then hurrh for General Grant, And the boys of adamant, Who have pierc’d the hearts of traitors thro’ and thro’! Ah they were a gallant band, As e’er fought for Fatherland, And they evˆry one were clad in army blue!