"The Volunteer's Good Night" (1864) Song & Chorus [Written & ] Composed by J. S. C. Philadelphia, PA: Lee & Walker, 722 Chestnut St. [Lithographer] Geo. F. Swain Plate No. 9012.4 [last page=9012.3] [Source: 090/121@Levy] 1. Good night comrades! beauty’s smile, Sweet reward is for our toil; Toil that trains us for the field To conquer, die but ne’er to yield, Country, home and liberty! This our rally cry shall be; Our trust is Heav’n defends the right; Good night, comrades all, good night! CHORUS [sung after each VERSE] Home dear home and liberty! This our rally cry shall be, Our trust, Heav’n defends the right; Good night Comrades all, good night. 2. Good night comrades! all, good night! Drill is o’er and hearts are light; Firm and true we e’er will be, To country, home and liberty, Home, dear home, how sweet the sound! There life’s truest joys are found, Homeward haste we with delight; Good night, comrades all, good night!