To Miss Kate M. Payne, Macon, GA "Minnie Lee" (1864) Ballad. [Words and?] Music Composed by Hermann L. Schreiner. Macon & Savanna, GA: J.C. Schreiner & Son Columbia, SC: Townsend & North Montgomery, AL: W. S. Barton Richmond, VA: P. H. Taylor, J. W. Randolph, Woodhouse & Co. Charleston, SC: Henry Siegleng Charlotte, NC: S. W. Whittaker Raleigh, NC: W. P. Pomeroy Goldsboro', NC: Booart & Whittaker Augusta, GA: Blackmar & Bro. Wilmington, NC: F. D. Shaw, Jr., T. B. Whitaker Mobile, AL: Jos. Bloch, J. H. Snow, H. C. Clarke Atlanta: GA: J. J. Richards & Co. Selma, AL: J. W. Blanden [Source: 093/148@Levy (Laxayu's 6 Mar 1935 Julliard)] 1. Long time ago there was a maid, Her name was Minnie Lee, And when I told her of my love, She said that she lov’d me; But since that time, ah! things have changed, Her heart’s grown cold to me; And many a merry year has pass’d Since I met Minnie Lee. CHORUS 1 Minnie, Minnie, yes, sweet Minnie, I love Minnie Lee; Oh! I’ll forgive, forgive her all, If she will but love me. 2. Minnie Lee, the girl I love, She looks so meek and mild, She told me that she once lov’d me, When I was but a child; She kiss’d me hand, she kissed my cheek, She sighed and drew from me; And since that time I have not seen My pretty Minnie Lee. CHORUS 2 Then take me back to Tennessee, There let me live and die, Among her fields of yellow corn, Where Minnie’s sleeping now.