To Those on Guard. "I'm Standing Guard" [1864] Words and Music by Lieutenant S. GREIG. Author of "Yes Darling I Remember," "Maggie May,", &c. &c. Arranged by R. F. C. ELLIS. [Lithographer] Stackpole, NY Rochester, NY: JOS. P. SHAW, 110 State Str. Cleveland: S. BRAINARD & Co. New York: WM. A. POND & Co. Boston: H. TOLMAN. [Source:] 1. And who is thinking of me now In cot or palet warm While on my cold and aching brow Comes down the midnight storm Who wakes to mind a soldier’s flate That nightly dangers dare? What brothers heart is not ingrate? What sister breathes a prayer? CHORUS 1-3. Wake not mother, sweetly sleep Nor mind the soldier scarred. God keeps the right; The wrong should weep. Sleep mother, I’m standing guard. 2. Ah you! ’tis mother stull unweaned That minds her grown up boy; Her baby still tho’ years have seem’d His brow with grief and joy. What then tho’ darkness shield the foe And storms weep down the lea, It nerves my arm and heart to know That mother prays for me. 3. I'm standing guard while ’round me sleep The braves that shield the land: Then wakeful mother, do not weep, God holds them in His hand! And proud of heart and calling they With honor’s bright award, Who arm for countrry’s right and say Sleep mother, I’m standing guard.