"How the Soldier Talks!" [1864] Respectfully Dedicated to F. D. Kohler, Esq. Words by Private O'Reilly. Music by John Wyatt. San Francisco, CA: M. GRAY, No. 613 Clay Street. Wm. F. Harrison, Music Printer, 417 Clay Street, San Francisco. [M 1638 .W] [123189] [Source: civilwardigital.com] 1. We have heard the rebel yell, We have heard the Union shout, We have weighed the matter very well, And mean to fight it out. In victry’s happy glow, In the gloom of utter rout, We have pledged ourselves come weal or woe, By Heav’n we fight it out! CHORUS 1. We have heard the rebel yell, We have heard the Union shout, We have weighed the matter very well, And mean to fight it out. 2. ’Tis now too late to question What brought the war about. ’Tis a thing of pride and passion, And we mean to fight it out. Let the “bigwigs” use the pen, Let them caucus, let them spout, We are half a million weaponed men, And mean to fight it out! CHORUS 2. Its now too late to question What brought the war about, ’Tis a thing of pride and passion, And we mean to fight it out. 3. Our loved, our dead are crying, From many a stormed redoubt, In the swamps and trenches lying, “Oh, comrades, fight it out! ’Twas our comfort as we fell To hear your gathering shout, Rolling back the rebels’ weaker yell, God speed you! fight it out.” CHORUS 3. Our loved, our dead are crying, From many a stormed redoubt, In the swamps and trenches lying, “Oh, comrades, fight it out! 4. The negro— free or slave— We care no pin about, But for the Flag our fathers gave, We mean to fight it out. And while that banner brave, Our rebel rag shall flout, With volleying arm and flashing glaive, By Heaven! we fight it out. CHORUS 4. The negro— free or slave— We care no pin about, But for the Flag our fathers gave, We mean to fight it out. 5. Oh, we’ve heard the rebel yell, We have heard the Union shout, We have weighed the matter very well, And mean to fight it out. In the flush of perfect triumph, And the gloom of utter rout, We have sworn on many a bloody field, “We mean to fight it out!” CHORUS 5. Oh, we’ve heard the rebel yell, We have heard the Union shout, We have weighed the matter very well, And mean to fight it out.