Respectfully Dedicated to Mrs. Col. Charles W. Fribley. "Hymn of the Freedman" (1864) Words by George H. Boker, Esqr. Music by A. Contraband. Arranged by J. P. Rowbotham. Philadelphia: Pub. by the Supervisory Committee for Recruiting Colored Regiments, 1210 Chestnut St. Lithography: P.S. Duval & Son Lith. Phil. [Source: 088/083@Levy] 1. Surely God himself has risen Over all the wakened world; Burst the darkness of the prison, Into hell the shackels hurled; For we hear a mighty rattle Fill the valleys and the hills, As the freedmen march to battle As the God of freedom wills. CHORUS [sung twice after each verse] Then rally, rally, rally round the flag of liberty, We are men at last and soldiers, we are free, are free, are free. 2. God has said make free your brother, As you now yourselves are free; Strike for wife and sire and mother, And for children on the knee. We are worse than Pagan scoffers If we fail to do the deed That God’s grace so freely offers To our people’s trampled seed. 3. God has put the sword and rifle Into laborhardened hands, And we dare not stop or trifle When our God Himself commands. We have cut our bonds asunder, As the mower cuts the grain, And the land shall fill with wonder Ere they find them on again. 4. In the name of God, who heeds us, We will crush the tyrant’s power, And we trust to Him who leads us In the battle’s bloody hour. He will take us safely over, He will heal our wounds with balm, And the blessed dead He’ll cover In the hollow of his palm.