Dedicated to All Lovers of Freedom. "Emancipation" (19 May 1864) [Recorded Vol. 39, Page 330; No. 266; 25757; Copyright Library 21 July 1864; M 1640.E] Song and Chorus [Words and Music--anonymous] Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co., 277 Washington St. Cincinnati: John Church Jr. New York: W. A. Pond & Co. Boston: J. C. Haynes & Co. Philadelphia: J. E. Gould Plate No. 22236 [Source: 1864-200001039@LoC/CWM] 1. In this land of the free, not a slave shall there be As a cause for rebellion or treason Each fetter and chain in the sod shall be lain For this, if for no other reason. [REFRAIN] and CHORUS [repeat after each verse] As brothers all, then follow the call, For Freedom and Emancipation: A man is a man deny it who can, It shall be so at least in this nation. 2. Oh who is so vile as to linger and smile When a man to the slave pen is driven, And sold like a beast, his poor body at least, Tho’ his soul may be ransomed in Heaven. 3. With the blood of the slain, we will wipe out the stain Which forced men to blush for this nation That bartered and sold men and women for gold Who oft were of kindred relation. 4. A white slave or black, is a man for all that, Tho’ the law may deny him his station, The birth-right of all is to join in the call for _God and for Emancipation_. 5. We offer the hand to all in this land Who are fighting for our preservation, Upholding just laws and Freedoms’ great cause And the Union of all this great nation. 6. The nation shall grow and to other lands show, This Republic is firm in foundation, And Despots shall feel that republican steel, Is sharp in defence of this nation. 7. This land of the free still a refuge shall be For all the oppress’d who are driven To exile from home, to as many as come, To each an asylum is given. 8. Then join in the cry ’till it reaches the sky, And there is recorded forever, There’ll nor be a slave, in this “home of the brave” If there is, we his fetters will sever.